President: Dick Norton, N6AA n6aa[at]arrl[dot]net
Secretary, Treasurer, Membership: Bruce Horn, WA7BNM bhorn[at]hornucopia[dot]com
Webmaster: Dennis Younker, NE6I ne6i[at]cox[dot]net
Members E-Mail Reflector
Information on how to subscribe to the SCCC email reflector is available at
To post a message to the reflector, send an e-mail to:
An archive of reflector messages is available at: Reflector Archive
Reflector Administrator: Doug Brandon, N6RT n6rt[at]arrl[dot]net
Membership Badges
                Purchase Membership Badge:       The Sign Man         See sample here.
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
July 2024
SCCC logo By now, you are well aware of the hack of ARRL's online operations, for lack of a better term. It occurred on May 12 and has taken down numerous ARRL systems including phone lines, LOTW and some contest log submission pages. The attack seemed to have been timed to catch ARRL at a weak point on the eve of the ARRL National Convention in Ohio at the Dayton Hamvention but I am told that their I.T. folks do not attend Hamvention [updated 7-06-2024]. ARRL says no personal information was compromised. Alternative contest log submission pages have since been published as needed. One thing to keep in mind is that when these things occur, management works closely with staff and various agencies, and in the vast majority of cases, is very careful about restoring services AND in publishing updates about the situation. It is very important not to tip off the attackers in any way, shape or form. The seeming lack of updates can cause considerable amounts of rumors on the web and elsewhere. Do not be sucked in by these. You will drive yourself crazy. Be patient and watch for official updates rather than speculation. Note that on June 6, ARRL restored phone service to HQ (which these days is all Voice Over Internet Protocol...aka VOIP) and certain other services. Updates are being published on the ARRL website Publishing of QST, print and online, have not been affected. On July 1, LOTW has finally been restored. It remains to be seen how the system will handle the large amount of new uploads.

SCCC Monthly Poll
July 2024
Click here for the this month's SCCC monthly poll.

Click here for results of past polls
For Sale or Wanted
Updated 02 July 2024
Contact webmaster if you have something to list.

View listings
State QSO Parties
Click here for list,

courtesy of the WA7BNM Contest Calendar.
Building a HamClock on a Pi Computer by Dennis, NE6I
April 2024
HamClock Back in April, 2022, I presented an article about Veritium's HFClock. I still use it to this day and find it to be a very nifty addition to the ham shack. HFClock is much, much, much more than just a clock. You can read more about it in that 2022 article. Turns out, you can get the same thing from Inovato on their web site. They call it the Quadra HamClock bundle. You see, the software author, WB0OEW, actually calls his software HamClock. Inovato packages this on a small Quadra PC for the amazingly low price of $49! You might need a power supply and some cables, or you can buy their bundle. The keyboard is pretty tiny and you'll probably want to use one that you already have. Their products can be found on their website. Or, you can build one yourself!

Video: Behind the Scenes at WWVH
July 2024

A behind the scenes look at time station WWVH.

Play Video
Video: A Tour of the KFI Transmitter in Los Angeles
July 2024

Take a tour of the 50 Kilowatt KFI transmitter in Los Angeles

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NAQP RTTY Claimed Scores
July 2024
      CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS           CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS
      KF6RY (W6ZL)    SOLP          50,059    8.0           WQ6X (@W7AYT)   SOLP           3,936    7.8          
      N2JNR           SOLP          12,719   23.0           K6MUG           SOLP           1,550    5.5
IARU Claimed Scores
July 2024
      CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS           CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS
      VY2TT (K6LA)    SOABMxdHP  3,510,264   24.0           W6ZL            SOABCWLP      77,283    8.0
      KL5DX (KI6RRN)  SOABMxdHP  2,617,524   24.0           N6RV            SOABCWHP      55,296    5.0
      NT6Q (N5ZO)     SOABMxdHP  3,538,368   24.0           WA6URY          SOABMxdHP     37,051    6.3
      N7VM            SOABCWLP     703,070   24.0           WA7BNM          SOABMxdLP     25,678    4.0
      N6AA            SOABCWHP     322,322   11.5           N2JNR           SOABMxdLP     25,520    
      N6KI            SOAB(A)CWHP  311,418    8.0           W6QU (W8QZA)    SOABSSBQRP    17,136    7.2
      W6TK            SOAB(A)CWHP  228,984    9.0           W6JBR           SOABMxdHP     16,900    4.3
      NK6A            SOABMxdHP    161,896   11.0           W6ML (W6KC)     SOAB(A)MxdHP   9,114    
ARRL Field Day Claimed Scores
June 2024
      CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS           CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS
      N6MI            2A            11,221                  AI6DO           2EQRP          1,750          
      K6JO            1DHP           3,684   23.0           K6RO            1DLP             862    6.0
      AA2IL           2ELP           3,250                  WA6URY          1DLP             798    6.8
      N2JNR           1BLP           1,934    8.0           KN6OKY          1DQRP            234    9.0
ARRL VHF Claimed Scores
June 2024
      CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS           CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS
      N6GP/R          LtdRoverLP    18,216   12.0           NE6I            SOAMHP           275
      N6VI            SOAnHP         6,300    7.0           W6MX            SOAnLP           250
      K6MUG           SOAnLP         1,974    5.1           N6VH            SOAMLP           140
      W6KK            SOAMHP         1,870                  K0XP            SO3BAnLP          84
      K6RO            SO3BAMLP       1,368    4.0           WA7BNM          SOAnLP            75    1.5
      KN6OKY          SOAMQRP          560   10.0           KI6BTY          SOAMLP            12   24.0
      KF6I            SOAMHP           312    2.0       

      Note: An = Analog; AM = All Modes                  
ARRL Internationl Digital Claimed Scores
June 2024
      CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS           CALL            CATEGORY       SCORE  HOURS
      K6RO            SO1R-24LP      6,537   21.5           WA7BNM          SO1R-8LP       2,151    5.0
      KI6BTY          SO2R-24LP      3,318   24.0           KN6OKY          SO2R-24QRP       233   10.0